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About Us

We’re all about people. We’re all about community.

We believe that people with support needs have a right to exercise control in all areas of their lives,and be part of the local community in which they live. We recognise they often require assistance to continue to exercise these rights and to have the same opportunities to live as meaningful a life as other people.

We’re all about service, We’re all about support.

We continue to deliver over 40 residential, respite and day care services to adults and children with a learning disability, provide support and accommodation for young homeless people, including asylum seekers, provide services to frail older people, particularly those with dementia, we support those with mental health problems, people with a sensory impairment and people with substance misuse problems.

We’re all about quality of life.

We are ambitious - we want to continually enable and empower people the over 1,500 people we support to achieve their aspirations, to enhance their quality of life and to support them to lead as independent a life as is possible.

We’re all about continuity.

We believe in going for it, in moving forward, in getting things done, in continuity of care. We are proud to continue our founding strategy and still pioneer new kinds of services, develop and deliver projects to meet needs that were otherwise not being met, particularly in geographical areas noted for their high levels of social exclusion and lack of resources.