About Us

A diagnosis of diabetes is life-changing. But with the right care and support system, people can thrive with diabetes.

At GluCare.Health we offer patients the best possible care — through a team of clinicians, skilled health educators, and access to cutting edge technology that makes our patient's condition easier to manage.

At best, Diabetic patients in the UAE tend to spend only a few minutes interacting with physicians per quarter. This model creates a significant feedback gap that exits between patient visits (3-4 visits per year) and what happens to glycemic cycles they encounter daily.

GluCare has developed a new model of hybrid healthcare that provides 24/7 coverage by tracking patient physiological and medical information from wearable technology and medical devices (such as continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps). We detect issues early, and constantly monitor data alongside our remote care team consisting of coaches, nurses, and physicians.

Our approach to managing our community is based on the transference of knowledge and agency to our members through a continuous and curated journey of self-discovery through their own real-time data. A journey that, if done correctly, leads to long-lasting changes to behavior and superior outcomes.
