About Us
Care Perspectives Ltd is committed to quality service and child-centred residential care. We recognise an acute nationwide shortage of effective, joined-up, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for Looked After Children.
Our highly-trained clinical staff team are experts in supporting children and young people with complex mental health needs and associated social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Our team will offer care that models evidence-based research, ensuring better outcomes and future prospects for the young people in our care. We can offer a range of containing, intensive, flexible and skilled interventions, filling the gaps which exist in community and inpatient services in a homely residential setting.
We are able to offer intensive ‘CAMHS -PLUS’ in-reach packages within our residential care setting. With this in mind, we hope to expedite discharge for those young people who are already in hospital or better still avoid admission completely for those facing the prospect of hospitalisation due to their complex needs.