About Us

Our passion is our work. Young people who have had disrupted childhoods often have complex and special needs. Sometimes faced with living away from home for the first time or having endured multiple placement moves, they can experience a range of difficulties. Mental health and emotional problems make it hard for some to cope. For others, offending patterns or a lack of life skills and attachment can lead to crises.

That’s exactly why we are here. Solace for Children works with the local authorities to offer the right mix of security, advice, and practical help to meet each young person’s needs.

This isn’t easy and very often there is no, neat, obvious answer to a young person’s difficulties. We understand and accept this – we’re exceptional at working in demanding situations, where success comes from dealing with uncertainty and recognising the differences that make us individuals.

We also know that a successful placement rests on getting lots of little things right – again and again, for everyone.