About Us
When you need some help, go to a company that treats you as a person. We ask what you want and try our very best to deliver - you always come first with us.
Home Instead help people throughout the Aldershot, Farnborough, Farnham, Fleet and Frimley area.
We can provide companionship and light housekeeping, medication reminders, personal care, respite care, dementia care and live-in care.
We can be there to take you to the library or to visit a friend, we can help with shopping, cooking and looking after pets or we can simply be there when you want to talk.
We don't believe you can provide quality care in less than an hour and many of our visits are much longer.
By making sure clients and Care Professionals can get to know each other, we can help people enjoy their visits and get the most out of their time together.
Home Instead is the World’s leading home care company; the trusted pioneers of relationship led non medical care for older people. We place our clients’ needs at the heart of everything we do and form a bespoke service tailored around what the client really wants.
The Home Instead franchise network is one of the world’s largest and most trusted names in the industry with more than 1000 independently owned and operated franchises worldwide.