About Us
Hollyman Care Homes provide high quality person centred care for older people living with Dementia.
We provide a high level of support that is inclusive of the individual, their family and friends and the community in order to actively support the person to live well.
Each resident is encouraged to achieve their potential capacity physically, emotionally and socially. Ongoing assessments are carried out to recognise the changing needs of individuals. These ‘Care Plans’ are available for relatives to see and contribute to. Resident’s wishes are recognised and not pushed aside because they do not fit in with the pattern of group living. Flexibility is necessary in order to meet needs of a group of individuals under one roof. We pride ourselves on being homes for life and therefore we will meet each persons changing needs throughout their stay with us.
The aims of Hollyman Care Homes are to provide a professional standard of care and service to the elderly within a safe, homely and comfortable environment. Whilst encouraging residents to become part of a family unit, much emphasis will be placed on the specific needs of the individual. Independence, dignity and respect are the key considerations to optimise the quality of life with the freedom of choice and flexibility foremost in our aims to enhance the latter years. Background information of each resident will be of particular value with regard to interests, hobbies and activities to encourage the continuation of a ‘normal life’. To this end the assistance of relatives and friends would be most welcome.
The right of a resident to be left alone & undisturbed whenever they wish.
The understanding of a resident’s needs & treating them with respect.
Allowing a resident to take calculated risks, to make their own decisions & think or act for themselves.
Giving a resident the opportunity to select for themselves from a range of alternative options.
Keeping all basic human rights available to the resident.
Enabling the resident to realise their own aims & helping them to achieve these goals in all aspects of daily living.