About Us
At CCH Group, we’re more than a care provider – we’re a passionate community dedicated to driving the sector to new heights with a history of doing so. Founded in 2009, we’ve grown into the nation’s largest care company, with over 260 locations and 14,000 care professionals delivering 1.5 million hours of care each month across the UK.
The best of both worlds: the strength of a sector leader, with the care of a local partner
Our network of 32 operating companies combines national strength with local expertise to deliver care that is deeply embedded in the communities we serve. While our local presence ensures responsiveness to local challenges and fosters familiarity, we also recognise the advantages of our scale. Our size and breadth enable us to attract top-tier support teams with specialised departmental expertise, drive efficiencies, deliver state-of-the-art systems, and provide stability.
We are innovative to the core
We have a history of innovation that will not stop. When we saw that social care was lagging in technology, we built and embedded revolutionary new solutions to support our frontline. When quality improvements were needed across the sector, we recruited a leading team focused on ensuring dependable and safe care. In payroll, we developed systems to ensure on-time and accurate payment. When communication across our 14,000 employees proved difficult, we introduced a sector-leading communications platform for a remote workforce and gave everyone a voice. Time and again, our innovations have raised the bar, setting new benchmarks for quality, reliability, connectivity, and efficiency across the sector. Our goal is to redefine what it means to work in care and, in doing so, elevate the entire sector.
CCH Group is backed by Summit Partners.